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Integrated Action Trust (INTACT)

INTACT- Integrated Action Trust was established on 12th August 1992 by Thomas Ebenezer who, by helping those in need of food, shelter and a sense of security, is living his dread. Intact is registered as Public Charitable Trust under Indian Trusts Act. Registration numbers: 763/1992 (Chennai) & 1365/1996 (Tiruchirapalli).

Intact is working to empower marginalized individuals with intellectual disabilities, mountain tribes and women towards independent living. Intact believes in “supported decision making” and adapts inclusive approach in the decision making process.

Intact is governed by board of Trustees which consists 7 members and administered by Team leaders forum (TLF) consisting 8 members.


Intact Special School (ISS)

- A residential school for children with intellectual disabilities and associated problems between the ages of 3–14. The school provides life-oriented education, training in daily living skills, vocational training in preparation for adulthood, and a great deal of love and care.

Horse Riding Therapy Centre

- The Centre is located on Intact Special School campus. The children are provided with hippo riding therapy, which is excellent physical and psychological therapy for children with disabilities. Many come out of their shell when they are with the horses and for some it is the only time that they speak and laugh.

Opportunity Campus I & II

- This innovative project targets adults with intellectual disabilities between the ages of 14–35 and prepares them for employment and independent living to achieve self-sustainability. The project is housed at two campuses where one provides them with education and vocational training within agriculture and the other offers training within handicraft for women and urban-based beneficaries.

Adult Girls Home

- The home accommodates young women of 14 years and older with intellectual disabilities as an assisted living solution. It was opened in 2012 and is funded by Tamilnadu government. The home is designed to house 40 girls.

Intact Nursery & Primary School

- An English medium school in Kalrayan hills offers consistent schooling for tribal children aged between 3.5 and 10. The goal is for the children to be able to reach the same educational levels as children in the cities and have equal education and employment opportunities.

Girl’s Sponsorship Program

- More than 600 tribal girls from 43 villages in Kalrayan Hills are covered by the sponsorship program. The program aims to keep the girls in school as a long-term solution to prevalent literacy, poverty and health problems. 

Girl’s Hostel

- The girl’s hostel in Vellimalai houses 40 adolescent tribal girls to enable them to pursue their high school studies. The hostel also aids with lifestyle changes to bring about better nutrition, personal hygiene and learning techniques to improve school performance.

Health Work Project

- 20 villages are covered and 2500 tribal people in the remote Kalrayan hills benefit yearly from Intact’s monthly medical camps and referral services to the nearest hospital. Medical staff supply medicine for free.



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