
Lot 1: OA1 : An underground car park with a covered area of ​​4800 m2 . Lot 2: OA2 : A large pier ( walkway on stilts for pedestrians ) of length 200 ml and surface area of ​​2200 m² and a cornice quay wall of length 170 ml. Lot 3: OA3 : Two piers on stilts (piers) each 20 m long and with an area each of 60 m 2 . Lot 4 : OA4 : A lake station with an area of ​​60 m2 at the Nautical Club on the banks of the North Lake of Tunis.

Teklif Çağrısı


   7 Mayıs, 2024
   yayınlandı: 7 Mayıs, 2024

Orjinal Metni

MAY 6, 2024


Invitation to tender

The Al Buhaira Development and Investment Company “Al Buhaira Invest” intends to launch a call for tenders for the conclusion of a single ten-year liability insurance contract for the four structures distributed in different lots on the banks of the Lake of Tunis:

Lot 1: OA1 : An underground car park with a covered area of ​​4800...
Ücretli Abonelik Seçenekleri :
Dünya ticaretinin 1/3 ü kamu satınalmalarından oluşmaktadır.
dgMarket, 50 ülke ofisi ile dünyanın 1 numaralı uluslararası ihale portalıdır.

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