
Call For Proposals -Innovation Challenge Awards For Incubators And Accelerators To Support Startups And Early-Stage Innovators In Sierra Leone (EXPIRED)

Teklif Çağrısı


Sierra Leone
   23 Mart, 2024
6 Nisan, 2024
United Nations Development Programme
   yayınlandı: 23 Mart, 2024

İletişim Bilgileri

   United Nations Development Programme
UNDP Country Office -Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone


İnşaat işi Otoyol, yol, havaalanı ve demiryolu, boru hatları, telekomünikasyon ve enerji hatları inşaat işi

Teklif dosyaları ve ekleri

  • (23 Mart, 2024)
  • (23 Mart, 2024)
     Belgeleri indir



notice_summary_english: Overview :
Call for Proposals for Grants
Innovation Challenge Awards for Incubators and Accelerators to support startups and early-stage innovators in Sierra Leone
Deadline: 12th April 2024
UNDP in partnership with the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), and the International Labour Organization (ILO) are implementing a four-year project “Supporting Informal Enterprises Transition Towards Sustainable Growth and Formalization in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Regions” funded by the European Union. The project aims to unlock the potential of the informal economy for inclusive growth and transformation by developing and supporting the implementation of favourable regulatory conditions and relevant incentives for businesses to formalize. As part of the implementation of the project, UNDP has issued a call for applications for Innovation Challenge Awards to competent and experienced Incubators and Accelerators who will support startups and early-stage innovators in Sierra Leone.
The specific objective of this call is to enable incubators and accelerators to support and mentor start-up and early-stage innovators in their efforts to promote digital innovations that will improve or enhance their business operations and incentivize them to formalize. The innovators and accelerators will provide technical support to startup and early-stage innovators through various means such as enhancing the technical capabilities, procurement of equipment and software licenses, expanding mentorship networks and business development services as well as providing seed capital where applicable.
Who Is Eligible to Apply?
The potential applicants should meet the following criteria:
Must be a registered entity with at least 3 years of operations in Sierra Leone.
Experience in supporting digital innovative solutions is a plus.
Demonstrated successful results in incubating and scaling up business and innovative product ideas and launching t

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