
Provide professional services to support the preparation of Colombia's national reports for the Ramsar convention and support the implementation of activities framed in the plans

Sonuç İlanı


   18 Nisan, 2024
   yayınlandı: 18 Nisan, 2024

Orjinal Metni

Contract Award

Project: P144271-Forest Conservation and Sustainability in the Heart of the Colombian Amazon

Loan/Credit/TF Info: TF-A5789

Bid/Contract Reference No: CO-PNF-411300-CS-INDV

Procurement Method: INDV-Individual

Scope of Contract: Provide professional services to support the preparation of Colombia's national reports for the Ramsar convention and support the implementation of...
Ücretli Abonelik Seçenekleri :
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Contract award information

   Individual Consultant
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