
4.3.5 Drone Mapping Services For Freetown, Sierra Leone (EXPIRED)

Teklif Çağrısı


   20 Nisan, 2024
2 Mayıs, 2024
United Nations Development Programme
   yayınlandı: 20 Nisan, 2024

İletişim Bilgileri

   Jasmine Lustado
United Nations Development Programme
Sierra Leone


Mimarlık, inşaat, mühendislik ve teftiş hizmetleri

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notice_summary_english: Introduction :UNDP seeks a contractor to conduct a geospatial survey using drone technology to assess the land use and vegetation cover of the #FreetownTheTreetown project. The data will help build a baseline, data, and images of the trees planted back in year 2020.The drone survey will serve as an important source of data about the vegetation, biodiversity, habitat, and human activities in and around urban ecosystems and land use typologies in the targeted areas. Interested suppliers must submit their offer directly in the system as instructed in the solicitation document, following the instructions in the available user guide. In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in the UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.Search for the specific tender using search filters and subscribe to the tender in order to get notifications in case of amendments of the tender document. If you need support with the online system, you can contact the contact details of this tender as indicated in the solicitation document.UN SDG ACTION CAMPAIGNPROCUREMENT TEAM
local_title: 4.3.5 Drone Mapping Services for Freetown, Sierra Leone
type_of_procedure: Other
bidding_response_method: Not Available

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