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International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)

INFID (International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development) is a non-government organization that played a pivotal role in shaping Indonesia’s democratization process (human rights, freedom of the press, rule of law, labour rights citizens, participation and gender quality). It has now entered its 26th year of establishment. Prominent civil society figures, such as Gus Dur is one of the founders of INFID.

INFID has been instrumental in bringing about the democratization process in Indonesia (human rights and development) (1985-2000) when Indonesia is subject to the authoritarian system under Suharto. Through various efforts and proposed regulations, among others within the themes of human rights, press freedom, rule of law, labor rights, citizen participation, and gender equity.

In the period 2000 to 2007, Infid been working to lift the burden of foreign debt (finance and development) into the main agenda of governments and donor agencies. The Indonesian government is now pegged debt burden is not more than 2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Countries lenders then provide debt relief (debt swap): Germany, USA, Italy, etc.

INFID has managed to start and drive the implementation of the accountability and transparency of development funding (finance and development) Indonesia. Thematic conferences INFID biennial (1998-2004), among others, 30% of data leakage in foreign debt funds from World Bank loans for projects in Indonesia, has changed policies and practices of donors and international financial institutions (World Bank).

INFID has been noted as a major actor in improving relations more equal (governance and development) between the donor and the recipient (2000-2007). Dissolution of donor forum for Indonesia (CGI) 2007 is a big change for Indonesia and donors. Donor agencies also recognize that they are always monitored and supervised by INFID to make them more open, transparent and honest with their roles.

INFID has successfully pushed the government accountability Indonesia (2007-2011) (governance and development) related to the achievement of the MDGs targets by 2015. Official reports the Indonesian government acknowledges that there are some targets are not achieved in 2015.

Since 2013 there are three main programs run by the secretariat INFID, namely:

- imbalance
- Post 2015 Development Agenda
- Democratization and Human Rights


Realize democracy, equality, social justice and peace, and assured and fulfillment of human rights at the national level (Indonesia) and at the global level.


- Raising public awareness about the value-nilaiHak Human Rights, democracy, equality, social justice and peace through public education
- Conducts research and policy studies
- Policy dialogue to encourage the creation of policies in favor and guarantee human rights for all people, especially the poor and marginalized based on the values ​​of democracy, equality, social justice and peace
- Cooperate and do networking to build social solidarity at national and international levels.

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