
Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops Andperipherals - Desktop Pc; Acer , Annual Maintenance Service- Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals - Desktop Pc; Hp ,Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops Andperipherals - Desktop Pc; Dell , Annual Maintenance Service- Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals - Desktop Pc; Hcl ,Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops Andperipherals - Desktop Pc; Assembled , Annual Maintenanceservice - Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals - Ups (Offline600-650 Va); Microtek , Annual Maintenance Service -Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals - Printer ( Ink Jet , Monoand Colour, Lower Range ); Epson , Annual Maintenanceservice - Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals - Printer ( Inkjet , Mono And Colour, Lower Range ); Brother , Annualmaintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals -Multifunction Printer (Monochrome , Laser , Compositecartridge, Lower Range; Hp , Annual Maintenance Service -Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals - Multifunction Printer(Monochrome , Laser , Composite Cartridge, Lower Range;Brother , Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptopsand Peripherals - Fax Machine; Brother , Annualmaintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops And Peripherals -Fax Machine; Panasonic Quantity: 162 (EXPIRED)

Teklif Çağrısı


   15 Mayıs, 2024
   yayınlandı: 15 Mayıs, 2024

Orjinal Metni

BID NO: GEM/2024/B/4865843
  View Corrigendum/RepresentationItems: Annual Maintenance Service - D...Quantity: 162Department...
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