
LOT N°1: The supply, installation and commissioning of an online shared storage system for the renewal of the storage of the existing news room system at the National Broadcasting and Television Company. LOT N°2: The supply, installation and commissioning of an online shared storage system for the renewal of the storage of the existing production and broadcasting system at the ARRYADIA channel of the National Broadcasting Company and of TV. (EXPIRED)

Teklif Çağrısı


   21 Mayıs, 2024
   yayınlandı: 21 Mayıs, 2024

Orjinal Metni

Date et heure limite de remise des plis :11/06/2024 12:00

Référence | Contexte/Programmme :25AOM/SNRT/2024 | LOT N°1 : La fourniture, l’installation et la mise en service d’un système de stockage partagé on-line pour le renouvellement du stockage du système news room existant à la Société Nationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision...
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