
Design Review & Supervision Consultancy Services for Chattogram Metropolitan Sanitation Project for North Kattoli Catchment (EXPIRED)

Niyet Başvurusu Talebi


   Package No. CMSP-5/S1
   31 Mayıs, 2023
21 Haziran, 2023
BANGLADESH - Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority
   Interested Applicants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The short-listing criteria are:
(a) Presentation of the Consultancy firm: general presentation/experience, scope of activities, description of human resources, organogram etc.;
(b) Experience in similar projects of compatible size, complexity and technical speciality in the required area. Determination of the similarity of the experiences will be based on:
(i) The contracts size;
(ii) The nature of the Services: experience in the last 10 years in the following technical area and expertise:
• detailed design of sewerage networks;
• implementation of E&S safeguards, notably Resettlement Action Plan and Income & Livelihood Restoration Plan;
• works supervision for sewerage networks, tunneling works and sewage treatment plants with biological process;
• community support for informal sectors structuration (references in on-site sanitation sector would be a plus);
• financial analysis in the water / sanitation sector, social surveys, setting-up small-scale PPPs with national entrepreneurs;
(iii) The location: experience in South Asia in the water & sanitation sector or for design and works supervision of water & sanitation infrastructures in the last 10 years.

(c) Financial soundness of the firm; and
(d) Staffing and logistics of the firm: presence of appropriate skills among permanent staff / Skills and availability of in-house technical back-up experts provided to the on-site experts. Applicants should be aware that permanent staff of the Consulting Firm / JV members will be favored for Key Staff at bidding (RFP) stage;
(e) Local representatives/partners;
(f) Quality assurance procedures and certifications of the Applicant;

(g) Due to the security risk in the areas where the Services are to be performed, the evaluation of Expressions of Interest will verify that the applications meet the following criteria:
 The Applicant has at least one experience providing services in an area with a similar security risk, for which it shall provide proof of implementation of security measures (invoice or contract with a security service provider, proof of security awareness training before departure on-site, etc.).
 The Applicant has set up internal security management procedures: it shall provide a description of its monitoring system and crisis management system.
 For services provided abroad, the Applicant has entered into an assistance and repatriation contract for its employees: it shall provide the certificate evidencing such contract.
 The Applicant shall describe its standard preparation process for departure on assignment in sensitive areas, and shall attach documents proving its implementation (service orders with related instructions, certificates of awareness-raising or training actions, etc.)
For a JV, its leader and any member that has its registered office outside the Client's country shall fulfil each of these criteria.
   Uluslararası tedarik
   yayınlandı: 31 Mayıs, 2023

İletişim Bilgileri

Superintending Engineer ( Planning & Construction)
Chattogram WASA Head Office Building, Room No. 311, Dampara, M.M. Ali Road, Chattogram
Chattogram 4203


Additional resources

Orjinal Metni

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